Terms of use
With the access and use of the present Web Site, you agree and accept the below terms and agreements:
Content of Web Site
The Web Site and its content, including pictures, photographs, logos and other material, and the rights of intellectual property in the above material, is property of the Company or its shareholders. Brand “…” and certain other brands that are presented in the Web Site constitute intellectual property of Company. The Web Site or any part of it cannot be reproduced, copied, sold, or commercially exploited for any reason without the explicit approval from the Company.
The Web Site can contain links for other Web Sites. The company provides these links for your facilitation and is not responsible for the actions of these independent Web Sites. The appearance of these links does not mean in any case our acceptance or support of the content, the advertisements, the products, the services, the policy or any material that is presented in these Web Sites.
Legal Disclaimer
The company does not guarantee neither has any responsibility for the sufficiency, appropriateness, the availability of rooms and for any possible ineffectiveness of these in the effort to achieve clients and therefore no claims of compensation can be caused for any reason. In any case the Company has no responsibility against the users or any third party for direct or indirect damage, lost profits, loss of income, loss of opportunity, loss or destruction of data and in general for any positive or negative damage which concerns the access and/or use of the Website and the goods or services that were acquired via this.
General terms
– The present Web Site and its content, is provided “as it is”, without any guarantee or statement of guarantee, direct or indirect, included but not limited to guarantees or legal titles and indirect commercial guarantee or appropriateness for any specific aim.
– A representative of the Company may communicate with you via e-mail or by phone 24-hours before your arrival so that he/she informs you with regard to the satisfaction of any additional demands, as these were registered in the online form of reservation.
– The company holds the right to modify the present terms unilaterally.
– Non acceptance of the present terms or violation of these in whole or partly provides the Company the right to reject the reservation of a particular user and/or exclude his access to the Website and to the services that are provided via this.
– The relations between users and the Website are regulated and interpreted by the Greek Law, exclusively responsible for the resolution of any legal dispute are the courts.